Showing posts with label KELA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KELA. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Good day at the gates of bureauracy

I had to visit KELA today , and I felt miserable already last night because of that. Last April I went there to apply for some benefit, and the clerk told me I wasn't entitled for it cause I'm already receiving some other. Summer went by and couple of weeks ago I met my social worker. She asked about the benefit and got bristled after hearing what had happened with the application. She was sure I should have gotten the benefit even without any applications. So we filled in a new one, I dug that old and torn application from my waste paper bin and took them both to KELA this morning. I was lucky, for the clerk I met this morning happened to be the head of the local office. After hearing my story she really took all the effort to solve my problem. She took in my applications and confirmed what my social worker had told me about the benefit. She said the clerk back in April had made a mistake and that she was going to have a chat with her. And since the mistake was KELA's I might receive my lost benefits retroactively and in full. It's not much, but I was really taken by the helpfullness and good service I received this time.

The lesson here: When dealing with KELA, be persistent and never throw anything away.


Tuesday, 24 April 2012

At the gates of bureaucracy

It seems that the sicker you get, the closer relationship you are bound to have with KELA. The amount of papers I have to fill and send there is unbelievable. Until last month I had managed to do it all by myself, but then, eventually I had to ask for help. And so I met my social worker, who is actually really nice, and always thinking to my benefit. She always comes up with new benefits that I should apply for, and makes me fill dozens of applications for KELA. I'm not even sure anymore to what  have I applied for. Maybe next time I see her, I should tell her I'm quite content already with what I have. Otherwise it'll be a neverending red tape.

I while ago, I thought I should share with you some tips about how to work with KELA when you get ill. I think my best advice is to ask to see a social worker already when you´re in the hospital. There you can go through together some benefits you're entitled when you're ill. And before you leave the hospital ask the social worker to make you a new appointment after you get home and feel bit better. All the applications and their affixes are way too much to take in when you're not feeling good. Hopefully, you'll have as nice social worker as I have. And when you apply anything from KELA, or the social welfare office, be persistent and ask for help in time. Over here is a finnish welfare guide summoned together by different support associations of people with long-term illnesses. It's vast and helpfull even for those who are well.

Phew.. A lot of heavy stuff here today. My apologies. Other than this, it's been a very good day today =)
