Saturday, 5 January 2013

New year, old habits

I returned home from my holidays in Ivalo couple nights ago, and boy am I glad to see the sun again! In Ivalo they still have to wait another week or so before the sun rises again..

I loved spending Christmas together with my brothers, mum and dad. Despite the Christmas stress and fuss I think all in all we cleared the holidays well enough. I guess I had most fun when I went setting the fishing nets with dad and our dog Rölli. I helped dad pulling the nets under the ice and every now and then we sat in the car sipping hot tea from our thermos flasks. Rölli was running loose and wild with joy around the lake. The ice was thick enough to carry a car and after the nets were set I raced few laps on the track dad had made me. It seems I'm starting to like driving a car..

I spent the new years eve drinking wine with my old friend. We watched the fireworks and after I got home, I was going to cast some tin to foresee the future , but I forgot. I tried to come up with some new years resolutions but I didn't make any. I'm gonna save my resolutions till my birthday.


Daylight on the lake Vuontisjärvi

My baby knows what I like, tea and delicacies!

Heading South towards the light.


  1. Nakkasin sinua haasteella, otatko vastaan?

  2. Olen kyllä ajatellut haastettasi, mutta olen vältellyt sitä niinkuin työtä yleensäkin, mikä saa nyt riittää tunnustukseksi =)


Penny for your thoughts. Please leave a comment =)