Monday 18 June 2012

Midsummer mindstorm

On friday all the Finns are celebrating midsummers eve. It seems that everyone is going somewhere, to their relatives, or to their summercottages by the rivers and lakes all around this country. I'm puzzled, 'cause I feel like I too should be going home to Lapland, but I really kinda don't want to. My family hasn't any midsummers' traditions, we don't own a cottage and I wasn't planning on going to Ivalo before the very end of this month, when it's warm enough there. I would like to see my family and my friends, but if I went there now, I would only stay such a short time that I wouldn't have time to see everybody. Also I was planning on hitchhiking there, taking my time on traveling, but now I feel like I wouldn't have enough time, since I would have to be in Ivalo by thursday.

Phew. Such a dilemma! I guess the best thing to do would be to sleep over this and figure out what to do tomorrow. I can't even pack now, since all my clothes are wet after laundry..


1 comment:

  1. heh, mie en es muistanut et juhannus on kohta.. ei oo käyny es mielessä, outoa. on kyllä jo ikävä suomeen, huh. tulee kyllä ikävä tännekin (enää kaks viikkoa).

    pyykeistä puheen ollen. pesukone meni rikki ja miulla on tasan yks t-paita. ehehheh.. ja täällä on +36 astetta lämmintä ja paistun.


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