I thought it would be proper to introduce myself so I decided to list my ABC's.
So here they are:

  • Adventurer. When I was little, I dreamed of becoming an adventurer when I grow up. Not like Indiana Jones but more like Indiana Goofy. Except that I've never liked Mickey Mouse.
  • Books. I  love reading, I read all kinds of books, except detective stories.
  • Cheese. I love cheese! Can't get enough of it.
  • Diary. I´ve been writing a diary for almost twenty years now. I don't write daily or even regularly, but I have to carry one always with me. Just in case inspiration hits.
  • Escapist. I can spent days day-dreaming, especially when the deathlines are closing in.
  • Friends and family.  "A day spent with a friend is always a day spent wisely".
  • Generous. I guess the best way to describe my ideology  is to replace "day" with "money" in that previous quote. I try to help my friends and close ones and pretty much who ever I can whenever they need help. And luckily it goes the other way too.
  • Heart. "I am Jacks' enlarged, collapsing heart" Or something like that in Chuck Palahniuks' Fight Club. Mine is giving me awful lot of trouble at the moment.
  • Ivalo, Inari, Ireland. Places I´ve lived in. Good times mostly, especially in Ireland.
  • Janitor. I appreciate people who are handy, like my dad for example. I usually try to fix or make things by my self and I think I could never own enough tools. 
  • Kuopio Academy of Design. I´m studying textile designing for the third year now.  Prints and brands are my favourite subjects.
  • Laughter. Laughter heals.
  • Micky Bo & Me. Micky Bo is one of my two favourite movies. Yhe other one is True Romance, "M" could be for movies in general.
  • Normal. If someone had told me a year ago that my biggest wish would be that things would get back to normal, I wouldn't have believed it. But so it is.
  • Overalls. I love overalls! I wish that someday I had my own Bob-the-Builder-overalls with lots of pockets and strap full of bolts and nuts and tools.
  • Pregnant. Many people think I am, which is awful since I'm not. This illness makes me look like I was and I hate it. I'm thinking of printing my self a "No baby on board" t-shirt to avoid the questions.
  • Quiet. I'm actually rather shy and quiet and like to spend time on my own, or with only few friends.  I don't like large crowds or noisy enviroment.
  • Romantic. I like having flowers and gifts and chocolate hearts and my favourite movies have happy ending.  
  • Sweets. I eat way too much sweets
  • Tea. Tea keeps me going. I can drink several cups a day, and if it's too hot I drink ice tea.
  • Unicorn. "Unicorns are anorectic rhinos." I used to read ,ot of fantasy, but nowadays I rarely bother. Mainly because most of the fantasy books are parts of never ending series and I haven't got enough patience.
  • Vegetarian. I'm not vegetarian but I'm awfully picky about what I eat. I don't eat chicken 'cause they're ugly and fish, or anything under water, are too weird to be eaten. I also have some troubles with pork.
  • Westerns. I used to watch Westerns with my dad when I was younger. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were my favourites.
  • X-ray. I have an x-ray taken of my teeth that I've been planning on framing and hanging on the wall. I think it would be pretty cool.
  • Yesterday. I can't stand the Beatles.
  • Zoo. I once saw a polar bear at zoo and felt so sad for him, swimming in his little pool in his concrete stall.

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