Monday 10 September 2012

Alive and feeling damn good!

The summer is officially over, and so is my holiday too. And I can tell, it must have been the best summer for years! I doubt if I've had such a good time in years and never in such a short period of time have I realised that I can do so many (crazy) things if I only try. I travelled, I hitchhiked. I spent time with my friends and family, I spent time on my own. I met new people, I made new friends. I felt good and healthy, I challenged myself and succeeded. I'm so happy about my summer, that instead of working or practical training, I'm going to spend next summer on a holiday as well.

One of the best parts of my holiday was that hiking trip to Koli with other heart young and -adults. I remember I had just gotten out of hospital in the mid of June and was on my way home from Helsinki when I enrolled to that meeting. I felt so broken and weak after that horrible May (read here, here and here) I wasn't sure if I can hike at all. But I enrolled anyway, as soon as I could, for I had been waiting for that trip since last november. And luckily I got better during the summer.  Physically the Koli trip was a bit trying but it was so easy to be there with other likehearted. I didn't need to explain myself to anyone if I needed to take a breather. Neither was I left alone in the end of the line puffing, but someone was always there with me. And we catched our breath, laughed, took a picture and continued hiking. We hiked bit over seven kilometres on the rocks and hills of Koli on one day. Some hiked about ten kilometres, but I was pleased with my seven. We also got to crawl and climb through the longest natural cave in Finland, tried running on water in a Zorba-ball and swam in the lake Pielinen. I and other two of us also attended a clown jump competition in the Koli harbour. During the trip I had truly realised that I regret things I didn't do more than things I've done. So by the end of Saturday I was quite exhausted and extremely happy, for I had tried everything possible. Except eating worms.

The Koli trip was a home run. There were twenty of us, aged between 15 and 49. Some of us had attended Synja-meetings before, others attended for the first time. My first time in a Synja-meeting last November was very important to me, and I hope that those who attended for the first time at Koli, catched the same feeling of peer support, understanding and sharing as I did back then.


Some photos from Koli, all taken by Ville Ikkala. Many thanks to the photographer =)

At the top of Ukko Koli

The lakeshore in the evening
The woods of Koli
The cave Pirunkirkko

Ready for the Repokallio-cave challenge
Group of congenitally heart defected people climbing another set of stairs =)
Peer support. I love this picture

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