Saturday 7 July 2012

Sunny beach

Yesterday was a real holiday. I might as well have been in Fuengirola (hugs Heta!) except that I was here, in Kuopio!

I woke up in the morning when my friend called and asked if I wanted to go to the beach. I had a quick breakfast, packed my things and took a bus to town, where I met Ida. Before heading to Vänäris' beach we spent a little time on the market square, checking the stands. We bought some fresh strawberries and peas and bunch of other stuff for lunch. After winning a bag full of brochures from some Finnish Design-stand, my hands were so full of bags and stuff that it felt like I was going to set up a camp on the beach. Ida had also won a bag full of brochures, but she had had better scores than I so she also had some sweets in her gift bag.

It was really hot and once we arrived to the beach I was all ready for a swim, but didn't dare yet. Instead we chatted for a while, munched some strawberries and peas and bathed in the sun. Finally I had to go and take a dip in the lake. The water was much colder than I had expected! Maybe I had forgotten how cold the water was, for I hadn't swim last summer at all because the scars were only healing. Well, atleast it was refreshing, though I couldnt stay long.

Me and Ida with our camping gears

At the harbour there were a bunch of nice... boats

We spent the whole day on the beach and before we left we played Pölli in the park, where it was bit shadier. Ida won both rounds before we quit. We walked back to town through the harbour and on our way we decided to have something to eat at Amarillo. I was dreaming of going to the wine festival in the harbour, where there would be lots of good food and wines, but the entrance-fee was too expensive. So we settled for Amarillo. After stuffing ourselves there, we decided to have another drink on  some terrace before going home.

At home my feet were aching like on a real vacation =)


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