Friday 4 May 2012

Dear Sigmund..

I've been writing a diary for ages, ever since I've been eight or nine years old. I don't  write daily though, or even regularly, just when I feel like it. There are times I write every day several pages, and then there can be weeks without entries. Some of my diaries are very dear to me, and some are full of stuff that I'd rather forget. It always seems to be small event, or even crisis when my current diary is finally full. I always tend to get attached to my diary, particularly if it's full of meaningfull stuff, but it's always a fun event to go and look for a new notebook.

Lately I've been writing another kind of diary, every day as a part of my therapy. I'm supposed to write stream of consciousness on longhand for 30 minutes every morning. First on right hand for 20 minutes, then on left hand for five minutes and then again on right hand. If you´re left-handed you should do it vice-versa. The sudject is always the same: What is my goal. The whole idea of the writing is to set mind to the future.

Now, I don't know if it works for me very well. First of all, I can't write in the morning. It's impossible, it messes my whole day if I brake my morning routines. Another thing, how am I supposed to write stream of consciousness on a subject? And the third, I don't like the subject. I don't like goals. I'd rather write about happiness or something. Well, the good thing about this all is, that I got to buy a new nitebook for it. Suitably, it's covers have been decorated with parts from a manuscript called "Architecture of Hysteria" from Sigmund Freud.

Maybe I should give it another try, for two weeks maybe. There´s a goal for me.


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