Saturday 3 November 2012

Going forward

Few weeks ago we decided with my friend, that we want to hold our own textile-art exhibition as our thesis. It would be loosely on a theme of "going forward" and we would both interpret it as we like. I've gradually come to decision that in my works I want to process all the emotions I´ve gone through during the past year. I want to nail my depression, sadness, panic and refusal on the walls of the gallery and then leave them there. And before doing so, I would crown them with these new feelings of happiness and contentment. Though right now it seems that processing those good feelings in to works of art is much more challenging than those of negative feelings. For they are so tiny and fleeting moments of happiness. I have to practice more feeling and naming them, letting them come to me and holding on to them. Then it should be easier to work them into tangible objects.

So much work is to be done but I feel happy and set to roll up my sleeves.



  1. näyttely kuulostaa hyväältäää!

    mie yritän kans keksiä et mit tekisin opparissa, pää lyö kyllä niin tyhjää :---s

  2. Itekin olen hirmu innoissani asiasta. Tosin tänään näyttely kutistui vai yhdeksi työksi, mutta kyllä ne loputkin teokset sitten aikanaan valmistuvat, vaikka harjoitteluna.


Penny for your thoughts. Please leave a comment =)