Sunday 18 March 2012

Back home

I got back home from Helsinki late last night. It was a short but good trip even though I lost my calender and catched cold..

Anyways it was great fun to see friends and the meeting was very useful. We had lectures about different topics associated with congenital heart defects (CHD from now on). One lecturer, heart-surgeon Markku Kaarne, told us about hearts' re-operations. He operated my heart last May and finally now I understood what he did  almost a year ago. And I must say it was pretty wild! Of course he explained the operation to me several times back then, and even draw pictures, but I must have been wrong in the head too, 'cause I just couldn't get it. Well, to my defence I can say none of the general practitioners that I've met afterwards understood it either.

When the lectures were over, I had few hours to chat with the others. Then I hopped in a train to Kuopio and the others went bowling. As for Helena, I had a piece of red yarn with me, to mend my mittens, but I was too exhausted after our rummaging through several flea markets.

Today it was warm and sunny enough to go out in leather jacket and a cardigan. I'm afraid this blog'll turn into a weather blog =)



  1. ootko koskaan käyny täällä blogissa: siellä on paljon hyviä, pieniä, kannustavia ja positiivisia ajatuksia

    1. Hei! Löysin sen itseasiassa ehkä juurikin toissa päivänä=) Tarkoitus oli että linkittäisin sen myös tänne, seuraamiini blogeihin kunhan ehdin. Jännästi sitä luettua alkaa itsekin huomaamaan niitä hauskoja pikku juttuja jotka yleensä jää huomaamatta.


Penny for your thoughts. Please leave a comment =)