Saturday 3 March 2012

Introducing Hurdis

Hello everyone and welcome to Hurdy-Gurdy Life. This is my blog about trying to be more positive.

Long story short, about a year ago I got very ill, had major heartsurgery and in the aftermaths of that, got depressed. Basically I thought there´d be no more good things in my life never, never, ever again. No point even trying. Well, lately I´ve been feeling a bit different. I´m sick of being sick and sad all the time, thinking I can´t do this or I can´t do that. I want to get better, get over this and get back in the game. So, to make sure I´m really trying, I´m gonna report all the nice and happy and positive encounters and thoughts that I´m surely gonna have. I hope you enjoy the ride. I myself, am definitely trying ;)



  1. ihana tiina, tsemppiä blogille! voimia arkeen ja yritetään saada yhessä niitä huonoja vitsejä aikaiseksi :) <3 -poola

  2. Kiitos =)Lisään sinunkin blogin kans tähän kunhan ehdin niin pitkälle näiden säätöjeni kanssa.


Penny for your thoughts. Please leave a comment =)